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Castle Siege

Dueño del Castillo

Guild Master

Batalla Castle Siege


Información del Castillo

Estapa Actual:Periodo de Registracion de Mark of Lord
Siguiente Etapa:Espera (17 horas 50 minutos)
Duracion de la Battalla:1 horas 0 minutos
Tax Rate NPC:0%
Tax Rate Goblin:3%
Tax Rate Trial:0%
Trial Money:2,010,227,000 Zen

Guilds Registrados


Calendario del Evento

EtapaFecha de InicioFecha Final
Periodo de Registracion de GuildsMonday, March 10th 12:00 AMTuesday, March 11th 11:59 PM
EsperaWednesday, March 12th 12:00 AMWednesday, March 12th 1:59 AM
Periodo de Registracion de Mark of LordWednesday, March 12th 2:00 AMThursday, March 13th 11:59 PM
EsperaFriday, March 14th 12:00 AMFriday, March 14th 1:59 AM
AnuncioFriday, March 14th 2:00 AMFriday, March 14th 11:59 AM
Preparacion del CastilloFriday, March 14th 12:00 PMSunday, March 16th 3:59 PM
Batalla de Castle SiegeSunday, March 16th 4:00 PMSunday, March 16th 5:00 PM
EsperaSunday, March 16th 5:01 PMSunday, March 16th 11:59 PM

Información del Servidor

VersionSeason 6
Experiencia Maestra250x
Cuentas totales33
Personajes totales42
Guilds totales6
Usuarios en línea0

Castle Siege

Dueño del Castillo

Guild Master
Periodo de Registracion de Mark of Lord

Batalla Castle Siege
3 dias 9 horas

Información del Castillo

Top Level+

SebaLazoLord Emperor1,200
SeiormanGrand Master1,200
SolemneHigh Elf1,200
AgatADimension Master1,195
ultrasmGrand Master1,049